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GCS Training Group

Night Vision 1: Fundamentals

Night Vision 1: Fundamentals

Regular price $200.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $200.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Location: Lincoln

Time: 7pm - 11pm

Instructor: Curtis Gardner

This course is designed to provide beginner NVG users information and training to successfully set up their gear to best optimize their use. This course covers a basic understanding of night vision setup, weapon-mounted lasers and their zero, and movement. During this course, students will learn how to safely and effectively deploy their weapon systems under NODS while maintaining marksmanship.

Equipment List:

  • Rifle w/ Sling and Weapon-Mounted I/R Laser
    - 3 Magazines with Pouches
    - Helmet, Mount & Night Vision
    - Clear Eye/Ear Protection
    - Handheld Flashlight
    - Round Count: 400 rounds

NOTE: You will receive an e-mail from Curtis Gardner {} approx. 5 days prior to class with all the details, including range address. Start time(s) may be subject to change. Please check your SPAM folder if you don't receive it the week of class, and reach out to any member of our team. 


Bring appropriate form of I.D. You'll also need to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement. We encourage you to print it out at home and bring to class.


Be Prepared for all types of weather. We train rain or shine. Please refer to our Refund Policy.

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