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GCS Training Group

Accelerated Carbine & Pistol

Accelerated Carbine & Pistol

Regular price $250.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Location: Concord, California

Time: 8am to 4pm

Instructor: Jason Tillberg

Whether for competition, active shooter response,  or hostage rescue,  rapid and accurate fire may be needed to effectively solve a problem. This fast paced class is designed to increase your ability to put multiple rounds on target in a compressed amount time with a high degree of accuracy.

We will cover the following:
- steps to increase presentation speed with the rifle and pistol.
- improving trigger speed and split times, while maintaining accuracy.
- rapid movement from point A to B.
- shooting on the move.
- target identification and proper engagement.

Prerequisites: Carbine 1 or similar course from a reputable instructor.

Equipment List:

- Carbine (With Sling)
- Pistol/Handgun
- 3 Magazines (Carbine) & 3 Magazines (Pistol)
- Magazine Pouches (Carbine & Handgun)
- Holster (Pistol)
- Round Count: 600 (Carbine), 400 (Handgun)


Bring appropriate form of I.D. You'll also need to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement. We encourage you to print it out at home and bring to class.


Be Prepared for all types of weather. We train rain or shine. Please refer to our Refund Policy.

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